Clubs at ADL

Art Club: Please see/email Ms. Bresler.

Math Club: Please see/email Ms. Emmell.

PRIDE Club: PRIDE club will be meeting Fridays after school in the band room. If you will be attending please email Mrs. Williams

Yearbook Club: Yearbook Club - meets Fridays from 3:45 - 4:30 in room B-5 (across from Ms. Kahn's room). Mrs. Donahey is the advisor. Students from all grades are welcome, and you can join any time.

If you want to help with the yearbook but can't attend on Fridays, please email or talk to Mrs. Donahey.  There are lots of ways to help. 

Purchase your yearbook online today from our partner company TreeRing, or contact Mrs. Donahey at to pay by cash or check. 

Yearbooks are $24.00 and cover the whole year and all three grades.  Don't miss out!  The deadline to order in time for free delivery to the school is May 1, 2025.   

Click here to order your 2025 yearbook!