Handbook & Student Expectations
ADL Student Information
This is the ADL Informational Booklet (opens in a new page)
It contains important information specific to ADL, including:
Staff List
Schedule of the School Day
Tardy/Late Arrival/Absence Procedures
Learning Rubric
Health Office Information
Student Conduct and Expectations Guidelines
Bus, Walking and Biking Expectations
8th Grade Student Academic Standards Information
Library and Cafeteria Use Guidelines
Student Support Options
Curricular and Extra-Curricular Opportunities
Please see the EWSD Student/Parent Handbook PreK-12 for specific District policies, procedures, and forms.
Looking at Discipline Through a Restorative Practice Lens at ADL
What are Restorative Practices?
Restorative practices are a major component of ADL’s discipline structure. Restorative practices differ from traditional discipline approaches because they give students an opportunity to acknowledge mistakes they have made and provide an opportunity to repair the damage caused. They also give the person who was harmed a chance to understand what may have motivated the event as well as giving them input into how the damage can be best repaired.
Why Use Restorative Practices?
Our main goal as a school is to find opportunities in all of our interactions within our community to learn and grow. Circles, which are a major restorative tool, serve to strengthen connections and help everyone understand their own ripple effect on the ADL community. Looking at discipline through a restorative lens is a way to further create an atmosphere of learning. We want:
Students to learn about accountability, to grow as community members, and to learn about appropriate responses to situations.
The school community to be involved in the resolution.
How Does it Work?
Restorative practices involve a discussion, held in a restorative circle that generally includes the person(s) who caused the harm, the victim, and supportive peers and adults, and typically includes the following questions:
What happened?
Who was affected and how were they affected?
What needs to be done to repair the harm?
Who is responsible for fixing or repairing the harm caused?
How and when the plan will be checked to be sure it has been followed.
Who is Involved?
It depends on the nature of the circle; sometimes it is the whole class, sometimes it is a small group of students, and sometimes it is just two people involved in the discussion. There are always two adults present, and, depending on the circumstances, students may invite peers they trust into the circle. All parties must consent to the process.
Circles in Action
This video shows an example of a relationship building circle.
This video shows an example of a restorative discipline.
Further Reading
Talk it out: Restorative justice techniques help school communities rethink approaches to discipline
What happens when instead of suspensions, kids talk out their mistakes?
The Charger's Charge
ADL Chargers are...