
About the Library

Caitlin Classen, Librarian
Helen Donahey, Library Assistant 
Phone: 802-857-7928
Hours: 8:35 - 3:35

Our library is open to all members of the ADL school community! Come in to find a great book, do research, make projects, brainstorm amazing ideas, or simply curl up in a cozy space to read.

The goal of the library is to provide every member of the ADL community with the best resources for academic and personal growth.

Library Procedures

About the Collection

The library has a wide range of materials covering a variety of subjects, interests, and reading levels to support and enrich the curriculum. Recognizing the fact that our library contains materials from picture books through adult books, we encourage parents and guardians to discuss their children’s reading selections with them. 


  • You may borrow up to 3 items at a time. 

  • Items are due back 2 weeks after checkout. 

  • You may renew an item if no one else has requested it. 

Overdue Items

  • No fines are charged for overdue items. 

  • A replacement cost will be charged for lost/badly damaged items. 

  • An item 60+ days overdue will prevent you from borrowing additional library material until those items are returned. 

Library Bill of Rights

The ADL Library adheres to the Library Bill of Rights (opens in a new window) to ensure our collection provides for all members of our school community. 

EWSD Library Mission Statement

The mission of EWSD libraries is to create inviting learning environments that inspire and honor curiosity, creativity, and collaboration. In partnership with students and staff, we support and recognize reading as the foundation for students to become skilled in multiple literacies. We strive to ensure that students become successful lifelong learners.

Think - Create - Share - Grow 

 Used with permission from AASL.

Library Resources

Community Links

The Brownell Library

2 Lincoln St., Essex Jct.
Phone: (802) 878-6955

Search the Brownell Library catalog

Echo Center

Check out our Echo Pass!
ADL families can save $4 off the cost of admission when they present our loaner pass at the entrance.