
Welcome to the FMS School Counseling Program

The FMS school counselors are here to help meet the social and emotional needs of all the students at FMS.  We strive to help students develop the skills to navigate complex school, life and workplace environments through counseling and education.  If you have any questions or concerns about your child or our program, please contact our counselors.

David Hoppe
Phone: 857-6305 
Email David Hoppe

Katie Mayer
Phone: 857-6321
Email Katie Mayer

Helpful Information for Famlies

National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Responding to Traumatic Events

How to Help Kids Feel Safe After Tragedy
Article from PBS

Taking Charge of Anger - For Kids!
Great ideas and strategies for kids.

Common Sense Media
Read reviews of media before you children view/read them.

How to Make a Family Media Use Plan
American Academy of Pediatrics advice on media use.

How to Talk About Bullying
Ideas from

Article Library

Finding a Therapist For You Or Your Child
Information and tips on finding a therapist for you or your child.