Library Loan Policies and Schedule

Library Schedule

The library is open to students every day, so students may exchange books on their own (with teacher permission) at any time.

The FMS Library operates on a fixed schedule throughout the year, which means that classes come to the library each week for 45 mins.  

Loan Policies

  • Students may borrow 3-5 items at a time. 3rd graders can borrow 3, 4th graders can borrow 4, and 5th graders can borrow 5. This includes magazines, playaways (pre-filled audiobook players), and mp3 players. Items may be borrowed for 2 weeks and can be returned early, on-time or renewed.  

  • If materials are lost or damaged, we ask your family to pay for a replacement. **We gladly refund money paid if items are found.

Book Care

Please discuss with your child a safe, special place at home to keep their library books and materials. This should be a place safe from pets, food, beverages and younger children.

Think Create Share * Grow

The mission of the EWSD libraries is to create inviting learning environments that inspire and honor curiosity, creativity, and collaboration.

In partnership with students and staff, we support and recognize reading as the foundation for students to become skilled in multiple literacies. We strive to ensure that students become successful lifelong learners.