About Us
Welcome to Westford School
Westford School is a member of the Essex Westford School District located in the beautiful town of Westford, Vermont. This community school serves children in preschool through eighth grade.
Our Students
There are approximately 190 students in attendance, which includes preschoolers in our Essential Early Education & Early Education Initiative Programs. Learn more at the EWSD Early Education page.
Our students in grades 1-8 are involved in a multi-age learning environment and benefit from a loop with the same educator. Kindergarten classrooms are one-year experiences in a traditional straight grade.
Students in grades 9-12 attend Essex High School.
Our School
Students begin school at 8:15 a.m. and are dismissed at 3:15 p.m. Bus transportation is provided by CCR Transportation. For Bus Routes, visit this page.
Food Services provide a healthy breakfast option as well as hot lunch for students. Find our daily and monthly Lunch Menus here.
Read more about our work with:
Social & Emotional Wellbeing
Instruction & Curriculum
Safety & Emergency Preparedness
Handout: School Emergency Information. Or read more on our District's Safety in our Schools page.
Westford faculty and staff review multiple data points throughout the school year and engage in ongoing professional development.
Westford School reports for accountability are available via the Vermont Agency of Education. These contain current and past school performance on the SBAC and New English Common Assessment Program. Westford students consistently perform well on these assessments. Our formative assessments provide the information necessary to continually improve our practices while our summative academic data is a point of pride.

Important Forms
Westford Volunteer Registration
Individuals interested in volunteering in our schools must register once a year, even if you are interested in volunteering at multiple schools/locations.
All volunteers are expected to abide by all applicable EWSD policies and procedures, federal and state laws and regulations, and other administrative rules while providing service within our schools. For more information, visit EWSD.org and go to For Families > Volunteer.
Westford School Facilities Rental
This application is in effect July 1st to June 30th of each school year. Permits for use of the building during non-school hours, including weekends and evenings, are available.
Usage fees vary according to the type of space, type of activity and the number of people in the group. Please submit application two weeks in advance of the activity.
All requests for use of school facilities are facilities by the EWSD Facilities Department and are not scheduled at the school.
New Student Enrollment Form - Grades 1-12
For students in grades 1 and up who are newly entering this school.
Incoming Kindergarten Registration Packet
Enrollment forms for children entering as kindergarteners *who have never participated in an EWSD-based pre-K program, or have never applied for Act 166 funds.*