Welcome to Essex Elementary School Library
About the Library
Meg Hershman, Librarian - Email
Kumi Fukuyama, Library Assistant
Contact: 802-857-2140
Hours: 7:30 am - 2:45 pm

Our Book Return Box is accessible every day all year long for convenient book returns.

Library Resources
*Our school provides free access to these online resources for families in the district.
Email Meg Hershman if you need further assistance.
All links open in a new window.
Destiny Library Catalog : Search for books in the library.
Bookflix : Online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks with related nonfiction eBooks.
BrainPop : Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Engineering & Tech, Arts & Music, Health & SEL.
Sora app (for Overdrive ebooks): Downloadable audiobooks and ebooks. View instruction video here (opens in new window).
PebbleGo : Nonfiction Research: Science, Animals, Dinosaurs, Social Studies, and Biographies
Safari Montage : Educational video titles tied to the curriculum from the industry's leading video publishers, which include Schlessinger Media, PBS, The History Channel, National Geographic, Scholastic, Disney Education, BBC and more.
World Book Encyclopedia : Online access to 3 different age-related nonfiction platforms: Early Learning; Kids; and Student.
Swank Streaming: A teacher video resource.