Join the conversation as part of the EWSD Budget Talk series! This Thursday (6:30-7:30 p.m.) will mark the first of four online opportunities for you to take part in the FY26 budget conversation. 👉
Join the virtual conversation as part of our EWSD BudgetTalk series (Jan. 30, Feb. 6, 13, and 20) from 6:30-7:30 p.m. to ask questions and learn more about the budget! Use this link to take part:
Learn more about the EWSD FY26 budget by visiting:
It's the EWSD's third annual Operations Appreciation Week! From Child Nutrition workers and Transportation staff to Maintenance and Facility Technicians, Finance and HR, to the Technology Department, let's take a moment to thank the operational team that works tirelessly every day, alongside our instructional staff, to prepare for and support nearly 3,400 students. Let us celebrate and appreciate their commitment to our educational community!
EWSD prekindergarten registration is now open! Please complete this form ( to request a spot in an EWSD prekindergarten classroom for the 2025-2026 school year. Eligible students reside in Essex Junction, Essex Town, or Westford and are at least three years old on 09.01.25.
You can learn more about the EWSD budgeting process by viewing the EWSD budget web page ( for the latest news, frequently asked questions, blog posts, Board meeting materials, and more!
The #EWSD Board will next meet on Tues., Jan. 28 starting at 6:30 p.m. in the EHS Library. The full meeting will be available to watch on Facebook Live thanks to the Media Factory (
Agenda items for the meeting include:
- Superintendent Search Update
-FY26 Superintendent’s Recommended Budget Presentation
-Policy 4.3 Agenda Planning
To learn more about the EWSD Board, please visit:
🎥 The #EWSD Board Meeting on January 21 is now available to watch thanks to the Media Factory 👉,episode,234699
EES 2nd graders and the entire FMS school had an exciting visit to the University of Vermont campus to cheer on the women’s basketball team! 🏀🎉🙌
Last night at the EWSD Board meeting, the District provided a budget presentation ( focused on reimagining a delivery model with affordability in mind. This is in line with the guidance that the Board had provided the District, focusing on maintaining level net education spending for FY26, and requires wide-sweeping changes to the fundamental systems, structures, and strategies of the District.
Are you a community member who would like to receive the latest EWSD budget updates through email? Use this form to sign up today:
The Heavenly Pantry at the First Congregational Church on Main Street in Essex
Junction will be open to families on Thursday, January 23, from 3-6 p.m.
Residents of Essex, Essex Junction, and Westford are welcome to enter the front
door of the First Congregational Church of Essex Junction where they will be
given a number and asked to wait in the sanctuary until it is their turn to register.
The pantry asks that those coming to the pantry limit their visits to once a month.
Those needing food but unable to attend can call the church office at 878-5745 Ext.
4 from 9-12 p.m. today through Thursday to arrange a delivery. Return calls to
complete registration will happen on Thursday.
The next pantry will be held on Monday, February 10, from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
🌿 The January EWSD family newsletter is out now 👉
Your voice matters! Have a question or feedback about the EWSD budget? Submit those using this anonymous form:
We will theme questions/feedback we receive and address them during weekly virtual BudgetTalk conversations ( and post answers on our budget website (
🔔 Reminder that there will be no school on Monday, January 20. School will resume on Tuesday, January 21.
Your voice matters! Learn more about the EWSD budgeting process by viewing the EWSD budget website ( for the latest news, frequently asked questions, blog posts, articles, and more!
There are links near the top of the page that allow you to share any budget questions that you may have and also sign up to receive budget communication emails directly from the District.
In 2024, our Facebook stories and celebrations reached over 160,000 people! A huge thank you to all our #EWSD followers for your likes, comments, and shares—and for joining us in celebrating our amazing students and staff throughout the year. Stay tuned for even more updates as we continue showcasing the incredible things happening at EWSD in 2025!
Founders Memorial School third-grade teachers, Kaylee Svitak and Julie Guerino, have been nominated for National Life Group’s 2024-25 LifeChanger of the Year award. Sponsored by the National Life Group Foundation, LifeChanger of the Year recognizes and rewards the best K-12 educators and school district employees across the United States who are making a difference in students' lives by exemplifying excellence, positive influence, and leadership. Seventeen individual LifeChanger of the Year awards will be given during the 2024-2025 school year. Winners will receive one of 17 cash prizes up to $10,000 to be shared with their school.
The Heavenly Food Pantry, located at the First Congregational Church on Main Street in Essex Junction, will be open to families residing in Essex, Essex Junction, and Westford on Monday, January 13, from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
As usual, there are no income requirements to visit the food pantry and a variety of food is
available to everyone; however, additional food is provided by the USDA to eligible households who fall below federally mandated guidelines. Visits to the pantry are now limited to one per household per calendar month.
The next food pantry distribution will be Thursday, January 23.
🎥 The #EWSD Board Meeting on January 7 is now available to watch thanks to the Media Factory 👉,episode,234301