When: Meet 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6 PM
Where: Music Room at Hiawatha
The meetings are one hour, we are waiting to hear back if childcare is provided at this time.
Hiawatha School PTO
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Also, check us out on Instagram! @hiawathaschoolpto
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday at 6 PM in the Music Room at Hiawatha

Join Us at a Meeting!
News from PTO
Our first meeting is on WEDNESDAY, September 7th, 2022.
We will NOT have a meeting on Tuesday, September 13th, 2022.
We WILL resume the normal schedule in October for our meetings.
PTO Board
Nikki Mayhue - President
OPEN POSITION - Vice President
Patricia Hammond/Jane Healy - Treasurer
Shopping for Schools
Hannaford School Dollars - Participating Hannaford Products List (opens PDF in a new window)
Box Tops for Eductation - Box Tops Products List (opens PDF in a new window)
Price Chopper Tools for Schools - Learn More about TFS (opens in a new window)
AdvantEdge Card link to register your account. You need your Card # to do this. Choose Hiawatha as your school.