danielle emond

Danielle Emond

2nd Grade
Summit Street School

Hi, I'm Mrs. Emond! I am so excited to be going into my 10th year as an educator in EWSD. This will be my 7th year teaching 2nd grade, and prior to this position I was a Learning Specialist at Thomas Fleming School. I have a passion for learning and growing and nothing gives me greater joy than sharing that with my students.

When I'm not at school, I enjoy spending time with my husband, Zak, and our two children, Avery and Eli. In the summer, you are likely to find us kicking around a ball in the yard, playing at the park, or hiking with our dog Cali. We also love visiting the library and cooking together.

I look forward to all of the adventures we will have in 2nd grade, and at Summit Street School this year!

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

Dear 2nd Grader and Family,

My name is Mrs. Emond and I’m excited to be working with you this school year! I hope you’re having a wonderful summer and have enjoyed lots of time outside playing and relaxing. I’m writing to tell you a little bit about myself and about some of the things we will do together this year.

I live in Essex with my husband, our two children, and dog Cali. I graduated from UVM in 2014 and this will be my 10th year teaching in EWSD. One of my favorite things to do in the summer time is visit my family's house on the coast of Maine. I also love to hike, garden, take pictures, and cook. One of my favorite things about teaching is getting to laugh and learn with my students each and every day.

This school year you will have the opportunity to explore different types of seats and tables to find the one that works best for you. In 2nd grade you will become a stronger reader, mathematician, and writer. You will make new friends, learn routines, and have lots of opportunities for fun and laughter. Together we will explore communities and how to be a good citizen, what a fossil is and how to be a paleontologist, and the importance of the properties of materials. These are just a few things to look forward to in second grade!

We will have many opportunities to get to know each other this year but please know that you can reach me by email or phone and I will get back to you as soon as possible. My email is: demond@ewsd.org and the telephone number to reach me during the school day is 802-878-1377 ext. 7661. If your contact information has changed at all since last year, please reach out to the main office with updates as soon as possible. Our class does have an Instagram account if you are interested in following us along our journey. You can find us @mrs.emondsecondgrade. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this. I hope that you have a great rest of the summer and I will see you soon!


Danielle Emond