rachel manz

Rachel Manz

2nd Grade Teacher
Summit Street School

About Me

Hi everyone!

My name is Rachel Manz and I teach 2nd grade here at Summit Street School! I grew up in Waterbury, Vermont. Growing up I loved being outside- hiking, swimming, and cross country skiing. I attended St. Lawrence University in upstate New York for college where I earned a B.S. in Psychology and a minor in education. During college I studied abroad in London where I had the opportunity to work in an elementary school in Essex, England. After college I returned to Vermont and attended Saint Michael's College where I earned an M.Ed with a focus in reading. I started working at Summit Street School in 2011 and have taught 3rd, 1st, and now 2nd grade. I am currently finishing a doctoral degree at Southern New Hampshire University.

I live in Jericho, Vermont with my husband and our 4 pets- Batilda, Millicent, Gilderoy, and Bellatrix. We love to golf and enjoy lots of other outdoor adventures!

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Two dogs in front of long trail sign.

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

Hello second graders and families!

I hope you have all had a fun and relaxing summer! I can't wait to hear all of your stories. I hope you spend some time in the last few days of summer thinking of a special story you might like to share with the whole class: maybe a family memory, a special day at camp, or just a happy event!

I have had a busy and exciting summer! I spent a lot of time with my family in Vermont, Maine, and North Carolina. I got to hike with my dog, Bellatrix, and to play with my cats, Batilda and Gilderoy. I've been reading a lot this summer, and I hope you have, too! I can't wait to share a new book with you that I read this summer!

A lot of kids can be nervous before the first day of a new school year, so make sure to get plenty of sleep and try to get into the school routine early! I'm looking forward to a fun and exciting year in second grade and am eager to get to know each of you better during this school year.

Mrs. Manz

Class Photo Sharing

View 2023-24 class photos in this Google Drive folder.

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Students writing at tables.

Class Schedule


Line up begins out back


School Starts / Arrival




Morning Meeting


Special (M-Learning center, T-PE, W- Health/ Wellness, Th-Art, F-PE)




Literacy / Friday-Music






Calm Time


Phonics / Tuesday-Music


WIN (What I Need time)


Small Group Literacy


Science / Social Studies / 2nd Grade Team Time / Wednesday-Dismissal


Flex Time

