About Us
Our School
Mission Statement
The Center for Technology, Essex is a diverse community of learners who believe that the dynamic integration of rigorous academic and technical instruction will prepare students for success in a wide array of careers and postsecondary endeavors. We actively and purposefully strive to provide an equitable and safe learning environment. We ensure the personal, academic and technical growth of all our students.
Core Values:
Learning Beliefs:
All students have the potential to achieve, although at different paces.
Students learn best when instruction is relevant to their career and post secondary interests and requires critical thinking and authentic problem solving.
Creating a sense of belonging is essential to ensuring a safe and equitable learning environment.
Collaborative learning is foundational to career education and having the opportunity to work alone and in groups prepares students for post secondary learning.
Learning Expectations:
Academic and Career
Students will:
Apply appropriate academic and technical skills (Demonstrate the acquisition of core knowledge in defined subject areas).
Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason through oral, written and technical modes of expression
Demonstrate creativity and innovation
Employ valid and reliable research strategies
Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
Use technology to enhance productivity
Plan education and career paths aligned to person goals
Model integrity, ethical leadership, and effective management
Students will:
Demonstrate professionally effective personal and interpersonal communication and behavioral skills.
Work productively in teams while using cultural global competence
Students will:
Consider the environmental, social, and economic impacts of decisions
Get to Know Your CTE Director, Bob Travers
CTE Quick Facts
Current CTE Programs: Automotive Technology, Building Technology (Residential and Systems) Childhood Education and Human Services, Computer Animation and Web Design, Computer Systems Technology, Cosmetology, Dental Assisting, Design and Creative Media, Engineering and Architectural Design, Health Professions, Natural Resources (Agriculture and Mechanical), Professional Foods and 5 Sections of PreTech (10th grade exploratory program).
IRC: While in program, students can earn Industry Recognized Credentials like ASE Automotive Certification, ServSafe in Culinary, OSHA10, OSHA30 in Building and Agricultural systems and many other IRLs in other programs.
Career & Work Experiences: Students participate in Cooperative Education. Cooperative education fosters the theory of experiential learning. Cooperative education programs establish and maintain strong collaborations (partnerships, associations) between secondary education and key members of the industry. In Vermont, cooperative education is composed of four work-based learning categories: job shadow, career work experience, cooperative experiences and student apprenticeship.
Every student (400+) at CTE will spend up to 30 hours working in their field as part of a Career Work Experience this year. CWE's take place with partnering businesses in and around our community and are fitted around a student's school schedule.
CTE has 13 full time students currently out on Cooperative experiences. CoOp students spend their senior year working at partnering businesses earning credits and money.
Dual Enrollment allows students earn credits at participating Vermont Colleges. During the '17-'18 school year 170 students participated 38 different courses in addition to their CTE classes.
CTE Sending Schools: Cabot, Hazen Union, People's Academy, Trinity Baptist, U-32, BFA Fairfax, BFA St. Albans, Burlington HS, Champlain Valley Union HS, Colchester HS, Essex HS, Harwood Union HS, Lamoille Union HS, Middlebury HS, Mount Abraham HS, Missisquoi Valley Union HS, Milton HS, Mount Mansfield HS, South Burlington HS, Stowe HS, Vergennes HS, Winooski HS