Registration/Financial Assistance

Registration Process

  • Register by pressing the Registration button below. 

  • During registration, select the payment method preferred and follow specific directions.

  • Class seats are secured when application and payment method are secured. 

  • Classes are often over enrolled (wait list) as students often drop classes at the last second. When this happens, the wait list is tapped.       

  • Contact SkillTech office for any additional registration information. 

  • Some classes have a limited enrollment and the most popular courses fill up fast so register early.

  • Classes may be cancelled if enrollment is too low.

Payments and General Refunds

  • Enrollment, or your seat in class, is held on a "first paid, first accepted” basis. 

  • Tuition is due at the time of registration.

  • Only when we have your completed registration form(s) and appropriate tuition are you fully enrolled and your place in line is secure.

  • Know that your place in line may be on the wait list. 

  • Prompt payment is encouraged for any class that is near or expected to hit capacity quickly.

  • SkillTech is not responsible for any typographical errors, and cannot be held to honor the price displayed for a class in which a typo or error in calculation occurred on the said price.

  • There must be a minimum number of students enrolled in order for the class to run.

  • General Refund Policy: 100% refund if a student withdraws two or more business days before class begins except for classes noted below.  A 3% charge will be made on credit card refunds. 

  • Refund Policy for HVACR Technician Training Program:

    • 100% refund if the HVACR program is cancelled by SkillTech for any reason.

    • 100% refund if the student withdraws from the program two weeks or more prior to the start date of the first course of the program.  

    • 40% refund if the student withdraws from the program two weeks prior to the start date of the third course of the program. 

  • Refund Policy for Radiology for Dental Assistants:

    • 100% refund if the course is cancelled by SkillTech for any reason.

    • 100% refund if the student withdraws 10 business days or more prior to the  start date of the course. 

    • There will be a $130 charge to reschedule the clinical test out time; a $65 charge to retake the written test. 

Closures & Cancellations

Any class cancellations/reschedulings are at the discretion of the SkillTech coordinator subject to the convenience of class members and instructors.

SkillTech reserves the right to change the dates, times or prices of classes due to instructor availability.

Those classes having fewer enrollees may be postponed or cancelled. If a class is cancelled, students will be notified and tuition returned. 

In the event school is closed due to bad weather or other circumstance, an announcement will be posted on this website by 2pm. Call 802 857 7942 or 802 857 7251 for an update. SkillTech classes may meet regardless of secondary school closure. Cancelled classes will be made up at a convenient time. Please note that if Center for Technology, Essex is closed in the morning, SkillTech may still be in session.

Firearms, tobacco use and possession, use and/or distribution of alcohol or other drugs are not permitted in the buildings or on the school grounds.

A SkillTech certificate is awarded for academic excellence, skill performance and acceptable attendance upon completion of the course.

If you are employed by a manufacturing firm and have received a tuition discount, you must complete the class in order to receive said discount.

Financial Assistance

Tuition Help

Tuition assistance for enrollment costs

Income-eligible students may receive tuition assistance through:

  • Vermont Student Assistance Corporation’s Short-Term Training: Advancement Grant.  For more information, visit the VSAC website, or contact VSAC at (800) 642-3177. Eligibility generally pertains to students with AGI < 100k income.  Up to $3000.

  • Vermont Student Assistance Corporation's Curtis Training Scholarship. For Vermonters that have a gap in their funding after submitting financial aid from Short-Term Training: Advancement Grant. Up to $1500 for tuition. Call 800 642 3177.

  • Vermont Student Assistance Corporation's Trades Scholarship/Forgivable Loan. Up to $23k for tuition and up to $2k for initial licensing fees. Loan forgiven with one year employment in field Vermont. Call 800 642 3177.

  • Vermont Department of Labor: $1,000 Adult Career Technical Education (CTE) Scholarship for eligible Vermonters to support training and other expenses incurred from enrollment in an adult career and technical education certificate program. The Adult Career Technical Education (CTE) Scholarship was created in partnership between the Department of Labor and the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation. Go to  CTE Scholarship