
Philosophy: Scientific literacy is vital for all students to become informed citizens in order to make responsible and ethical decisions about both personal and global issues. The science content area provides many laboratory-based opportunities to achieve scientific literacy through a diverse offering of core and elective courses.  

Some course titles include level designations related to the rigor of the course:

  • 300 level (also referred to as AP, Honors, or Advanced) courses are designed for students who have demonstrated exceptional ability in the subject matter.

  • 200 level courses are designed for students who have demonstrated a high performance record in the subject matter.

  • 100 level courses are designed to help students meet course proficiencies and graduation requirements.  

So what courses should students take? Three credits of science are required for graduation at Essex High School.  College bound students should take a minimum of four years of science.

9th and 10th Grades

Core course placement in Science in 9th and 10th grade is based on student readiness and interests, but does not limit student access to courses in grades 11 and 12. All courses are designed to generate strong science literacy for all students.  Earth and Space Science is a prerequisite for Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.  Biology is a prerequisite for Life Science Electives.

11th and 12th Grades

Course selection in 11th and 12th grades will depend on the student’s career interest and the competitive nature of their college choices. Students in 11th and 12th grades may choose to enroll in more than one Science course to take advantage of the wide variety of science electives.