We have had another couple of great weeks in 2nd grade! Last week we had a whole school sunlink celebration- Fall Fest! This week we opened the loft (!!!) and earned a classroom celebration- October crafts!
In literacy we continue our unit about schools and community. The book we are reading is called Off to Class: Incredible and Unusual Schools around the World by Susan Hughes. Our guiding question is: Why is it hard for students in this particular place to go to school? So far we have read about a rainforest school in Xixuaú, Brazil and a tent school in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. This week we are learning how to write a problem and solution informative paragraph. This type of paragraph will have a focus statement, sentences with information about the problem, sentences with information about the solution, and a conclusion.
We started a new unit in math learning about place value (the idea that numbers have hundreds, tens, and ones). We counted a large quantity of beans by sorting them into hundreds, tens, and ones. We also have used a variety of math tools to count large quantities such as bundles of 10 popsicle sticks, base-10 blocks, baskets of 10 balls, and more. Counting large quantities by making groups of hundreds, tens, and ones is great practice (pumpkin seeds, candy, etc). We are also learning to count forward and backwards by 10s from any number (7, 17, 27, 37... or 93, 83, 73, 63...). Later in this unit we will be using place value to add and subtract large numbers.
In phonics we learned about bonus letters (when short vowel words end with f, l, s, or sometimes z the last letter is doubled like in miss, fall, fluff, or buzz) and glued sounds. We learned the sounds: all, am, an, ang, ing, ong, ung, ank, ink, onk, unk. Our trick words this unit are: both, talk, and full.
We continue to learn about emotional regulation through the Zones of Regulation program. In the next 2 weeks we will be learning strategies to "get back in the green zone".
Ms. Cate, our school counselor, has included a write up about some of the services she provides in this week's Friday folder. Either return the paper or fill out her online version. Reach out to Ms. Cate if you have any questions
Lastly, I have had some requests from parents about getting the contact information of other families in our class. If you would like your contact information shared with others, please fill out this survey. In two weeks I'll send out the list of contact information from people who wanted it shared.
Don't forget to check out our class instagram or our shared picture folder!