See the Final Assessment Schedule here.
Key Reminders:
- Students who arrive late to an exam block after 15 minutes will have to attend Make-Up Day.
- Students with a study hall on their schedule do not have to attend that testing block.
- The library will be a supervised space for students.
- Students are required to stay in the assessment block for the entire time.
- If students have an early dismissal, please complete the attendance form or call prior to the start of the exam.
- If a student misses an exam due to an absence, the student must contact their teacher(s) to schedule a make-up date and time.
Credit Recovery
Monday 6/10: 2:00 - 3:15 p.m.
Thursday 6/13: 2:00 - 3:15 p.m.
Credit Recovery is for students with a grade 50% or higher and work that can be completed within the timeframe. Students are responsible for connecting with their respective teachers. Teacher locations will be shared with students.