Mid-Term Assessments



Please see the schedule here: Mid-Term Assessment Week Schedule

Mid-Term Assessments are 2-hour blocks of time. Mid-Term Assessments vary and students may be required to take an exam, complete a project, give a presentation, or participate in portfolio discussions.  Students are required to remain in their classroom for the full duration of the exam. It’s important that students arrive at their assessment on time. Students that arrive after 15 minutes of the start of the assessment, will take the assessment during make-up day on Friday, January 17th.

Mid- Term Assessment Week is from 1/13/24 - 1/16/24, with the make-up day on Friday, January 17th, 8:45 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. If a student misses an assessment due to an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to reach out to their teacher(s) and schedule a time to make up the assessment on Friday, January 17th.

EHS is an open campus during mid-term week. Students are on campus for scheduled assessments and may leave when not scheduled. Students with a study hall on their schedule do not have a mid-term assessment. The cafeteria and library will be supervised for students who are on campus. 

If students have early dismissal during Mid-Term Assessment Week, please contact the Main Office before the start of the exam. This will allow the student and teacher to be notified before the testing block and will limit interruption during the block. 

EHS students who are also CTE students are reminded they are to attend CTE when not taking a Mid-Term Assessment. 

Extended Flex Block. Extended Flex Block is occurring 2:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of Mid-Term Assessment Week. These sessions are intended to provide students with the opportunity to complete missing assignments, demonstrate proficiency in an essential standard, or an opportunity to engage in re-teaching. Teachers are sending emails to students and caregivers eligible for extended flex block with more information January 3rd - January 8th, 2025. All students are scheduled via Adaptive Scheduler. Please check Adaptive Scheduler for day, time, and location. 

Extended Flex Block Schedule:

  • Monday 1/13: SS, Practical Arts, Business, Math

  • Tuesday 1/14: English, PE/Health, Fine Arts

  • Thursday 1/16: World Language, Drivers Ed, Science

Transportation Information: Transportation will run as normal; busses will pick up students for an 8:40 a.m. arrival and depart at 3:15 p.m. On Wednesday, the busses will depart at 2:15 p.m.

Child Nutrition Services:

Breakfast: Cafeteria- 7:45 am- 10:15 am

Buzz's Bagels- 8:00 am-10:15 am (closed 1/17)

Lunch: Cafeteria- 10:45 am-11:30 am

End of Semester Dates:

1/10: End of Quarter 2

1/13-1/16: Mid-Term Assessment Week

1/17:Mid-Term Assessment Make-Up Day

1/21: First Day of Quarter 3 (A-Day)