Testing Procedures for Students - Grades 9 and 11
Please be on time! If you arrive late, quietly enter your testing room. If you are more than 15 minutes late you will not be admitted to the testing room, and you will be scheduled to make up the assessment during the week after April break.
Room assignments will be emailed to you and will also be posted in the guidance lobby. You might not necessarily be with your own teacher, so be sure to look each morning to see where you are assigned.
Bring your charged school-issued Chromebook with you. You must test on a school-issued device. Turn the power completely off on your Chromebook before the testing day so it can run updates.
Students must remain in the classroom until the exam period is over.
The Vermont AOE guidelines state that "The use of cellphones or any electronic device during a testing session is strictly prohibited". PHONES WILL BE COLLECTED BY THE PROCTOR - NO EXCEPTIONS! You will not be allowed to be on any electronic device (including your Chromebook) after you have completed your testing. Please bring a book or something quiet to work on. Phones will be returned at the end of the session.
Wired earbuds will be distributed for Session 2 of the ELA assessment to those who need them. Students may use their own earbuds/headphones as well. If you are using Bluetooth-enabled earbuds/headphones, connect them to the Chromebook before entering the secure browser.
All makeup tests will be scheduled during the week of April 28.