✏️ The January edition of the EWSD Newsletter is out now 👉 https://bit.ly/3Scme3b
12 months ago, EWSD Communications
ewsd newsletter
First-semester STEM internship classes presented their work to family, friends, and fellow students. Some places where students interned are the Mountain View Animal Hospital, UVM Medical Center, Prolytix, and Saint Michael's Neuroscience Department. The EHS STEM Academy thanks all community partners who made this a valuable experience for the students!
12 months ago, EWSD Communications
student presenting
students smiling
students talking
🎥 The Voices for Inclusion in Essex and Westford invites you to a screening of Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution on Monday, January 22 from 6:30-9 p.m. in the EHS Auditorium. This documentary tells the story of Camp Jened, a summer camp for teenagers with disabilities that transformed young people’s lives and ignited a landmark movement for disability justice. Please RSVP to this event 👉 https://bit.ly/48u2DRB
12 months ago, EWSD Communications
documentary screening flyer
January is School Board Recognition Month. We thank our EWSD School Board Members for their hard work and dedication to our schools!
12 months ago, EWSD Communications
thank you poster
Mid-Term Assessment Week begins tomorrow! This Week's Schedule: Tuesday 1/16: B 1/2: 8:45 -10:45 B 3/4: 11:45-1:45 Wednesday 1/17: A 1/2: 8:45 -10:45 A 3/4: 11:45-1:45 Thursday 1/18 B 7/8: 8:45 -10:45 B 5/6: 11:45-1:45 Friday 1/19: A 7/8: 8:45-10:45 A 5/6: 11:45-1:45 Monday 1/22: Make Up Day: 8:45-2:45
12 months ago, Essex High School
Mid-Term Assessment Week
Winter Ball Tickets go on sale next week on Wednesday-Friday!
12 months ago, Essex High School
Winter Ball
Reminder: No School Monday, January 15th Mid-Term Assessments begin January 16th.
12 months ago, Essex High School
no school 1/15
🔔 Reminder: There will be no school on Monday, January 15!
12 months ago, EWSD Communications
The #EWSD Board will next meet on Tue., January 16th starting at 6:30 p.m. in the EHS Library. The full meeting will be available to watch on Facebook Live thanks to the Media Factory. Agenda items for the meeting include: * Announced Tuition * Set High School Choice Capacity * D6 Class Size Information To learn more about the EWSD Board, please visit: www.ewsd.org/schoolboard
12 months ago, EWSD Communications
school board agenda
AVPA students presented their Senior Capstone projects and answered questions from their peers, parents, and EHS staff. Great work everyone!
about 1 year ago, Essex High School
capstone night
All high school students are welcome and encouraged to apply for enrollment in a program at CTE for the 2024-2025 school year. For information on the application process and upcoming deadlines 👉 https://bit.ly/41OpsNs 👏😀❗
about 1 year ago, EWSD Communications
apply now to CTE
Need transportation for the Winter Ball? Sign up to take the bus to Winter Ball when you purchase your ticket before January 17th. The bus will be picking up students at EHS at 7:45 pm and will be departing from Higher Ground at 11:00 pm. If you ride the bus must ride it back to EHS.
about 1 year ago, Essex High School
Winter Ball Bus
Essex Has Talent Saturday, February 10th Audition Dates: Sunday 1/28 & Tuesday, 1/30 Register to Audition online by 1/20 Audition information: AVPAvt.org
about 1 year ago, Essex High School
Essex Has Talent
Dear Families and Staff, Please provide extra time this morning as part of your commute as there have been reports of trees and power lines down in certain spots in our area due to the high winds overnight that are causing potential detours.
about 1 year ago, EWSD Communications
caution sign
🌟The EWSD is hiring Mainstream Instructional Assistants for grades Prek-5th. 💡 Please share this post and spread the word! 🔍 For more information about the positions and how to apply, visit ewsd.org/jobs. 📈
about 1 year ago, EWSD Communications
we are hiring graphic
Go Hornets! 👀🐝🏀
about 1 year ago, EWSD Communications
Graduates of the STEM Academy revisited EHS to share insights with current STEM students, reflecting on their college experiences and professional journeys. They engaged in discussions, responding to questions and highlighting the instrumental role the STEM academy played in shaping their paths! 👏👏
about 1 year ago, EWSD Communications
student panel
The Heavenly Food Pantry, located at the First Congregational Church on Main Street in Essex Junction, will be open to families residing in Essex, Essex Junction, and Westford on Monday, January 8, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Beginning at 5:30, families arriving will be given a number and asked to wait in the sanctuary for their number to be called. They will then be registered and guided to the pantry for food. A volunteer will greet and escort them around the pantry, allowing them to make selections of their choosing. After food is gathered, it will be weighed (information for pantry use only) and another volunteer will bring the food to the family’s vehicle. Shopping carts will be made available for those within walking distance of the pantry. As usual, there are no income requirements to visit the food pantry and a variety of food is available to everyone; however, additional food is provided by the USDA once a month to eligible families who fall below federally mandated guidelines. Families not able to attend the pantry may call the Church office at 878-5745 between 9:00 a.m. and noon today or Monday to leave contact information (name, address, phone number) so delivery arrangements can be made. A follow-up call to complete registration will take place on Monday. Families are currently able to visit the pantry each time it is open on the 2nd Monday of the month from 5:30-7:30 p.m. and the 4th Thursday of the month from 3:00-6:00 p.m. (except for November and December when it is the 3rd Thursday).
about 1 year ago, EWSD Communications
food shaped in a heart
Tickets for the constellation-themed EHS Winter Ball will be on sale outside the cafeteria during the following dates and times: January 10th, 11th, and 12th during all lunches. Tickets during the early sales window will be $25. January 17th, 18th, and 19th between exams from 10:45 AM to 11:45 AM. Tickets purchased during this round will be $30. Cash or check accepted, made payable to EWSD. All tickets are NON-TRANSFERABLE, meaning the person who buys the ticket is the only person who can use it. Do not buy tickets from anyone other than the Student Government at the above ticket sales. Those who wish to bring non-EHS students must complete the Guest Application Form before purchasing tickets. The guest must be a current high school student or a recent graduate of EHS. Please go to the Main Office to pick up a form. The Winter Ball will be held on January 20th, 2024 at Higher Ground in South Burlington! Doors will open between 8 PM - 9 PM. Beverages and photobooth are included in the ticket price. Transportation will be offered to and from EHS and Higher Ground. Please indicate if you require transportation when purchasing your ticket. All transportation reservations must be made before January 17th.
about 1 year ago, Essex High School
Winter Ball
The EWSD Board Meeting on January 2 is now available to watch thanks to the Media Factory 👉 https://bit.ly/3TIy5Y1 #EWSD
about 1 year ago, EWSD Communications
board meeting