Spring Band Concert this Thursday 6/1 in the EHS Auditorium. Admission is free.
🎓Attention Seniors! Final date for Cap and Gown Pick up: Wednesday, June 7th. This will be during lunch blocks and in the gym.
Payment is due a pick-up and the price is $25 cash or checks made out to Balfour.
The EWSD is launching a new mobile app to help students, parents, and community members stay up to date on what is happening in our schools from your phone! On the app, you can read the latest announcements, view lunch menus, and review upcoming events: https://bit.ly/3q8ZBAY 📱📱 #EWSD
Essex High School Summer Session 2023. Rising 9th Graders: How to Be a Hornet. The session is for incoming 9th graders to help with a smooth and positive transition to the 2023 school year.
EHS students had a fun Friday last week during their Hornet Hullabaloo event! 😃👍👍 #EWSD
The EHS Athletic Leadership Council seniors hosted a Coaches Breakfast to thank their coaches for all the coaches have done for them over the past 4 years. The seniors brought in a spread of delicious food items.
ALC also brought goodies to our fabulous Maintenance Department as a small token of their appreciation for all they do for EHS.
The First Hornet Hullabaloo event was last Friday, May 26th. This was a fun event for our students! There were lawn games, chalk art, a coffee house, inflatable obstacle courses, and a home run derby!
8th Grade Parent/Caregiver Night is tonight! 6-7 pm in the EHS Auditorium! Please join us for an informational session and an opportunity to tour EHS!
In case you missed the May edition of the EWSD newsletter, check it out now 👉 https://www.smore.com/qrpsx ✏️ #EWSD
The EWSD Board will set aside our next regular business meeting to create space for community engagement on Tuesday, June 6 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the EHS Library. This next opportunity for community engagement will include open dialogue as well as focused time for updates and discussion around the future of our facilities. Hope to see you there! 👉 https://bit.ly/3q8QYGM
EHS senior, Xavier Snyder, has enjoyed his time being part of the EHS AVPA program. In the fall, he will be attending Champlain College to study Game Art! 🎓🐝 Is there a senior you'd like to celebrate? email communications@ewsd.org! #EWSD
Last year, EHS STEM students had a workshop series on the Indian Brook watershed and they planted trees along the bank to help keep the stream healthy. The trees are doing well at the end of their first year and it's great to see that their efforts are producing results! 🌱 #EWSD
EHS Senior, Kayla Guerino, is headed to Sacred Heart University in CT. She has been accepted into their Doctor of Physical Therapy program and will be competing for their Track and Field team! 🎓🐝 Is there a senior you'd like to celebrate? email communications@ewsd.org! #EWSD
There will be no school on Monday, May 29! #EWSD
Science Teacher Joe Chase is retiring this year. Let's Celebrate him for our first Fan Friday, May 26th! Wear your favorite team jersey with funky socks and sandals!
Dr. Steve Hale, a pediatrician at Essex Pediatrics and former UNC basketball player, who played alongside Michael Jordan, spoke to the EHS Athletic Leadership Council. He gave advice on balancing sports and academics, shared personal stories of his experience being a student-athlete, and took questions from the students! 👏👏 #EWSD
Please be advised: The EHS Track & Field Invitational will take place on Saturday, May 27 starting at 9 a.m. On that same day, there will be a Memorial Day parade taking place in and around five corners and traffic in that area will be closed from 8:30-12 p.m. Please plan accordingly.
Thanks for the Prom photos, Essex Reporter!
EHS Prom was Saturday, May 20th at the Hampton Inn in Colchester. Fun was had by all!
EHS Senior, Olivia Davis, has been accepted to Champlain College, where she will be attending and studying Game Art starting this fall! 🎓🐝 Is there a senior you'd like to celebrate? email communications@ewsd.org! #EWSD