EHS Drama Club performed their student-directed musical James and the Giant Peach Jr. today! EWSD elementary schools came to enjoy the performance.
Public show times are tomorrow, Friday, May 19th at 6:30 pm and Sunday, May 21st at 2:00 pm.

Essex High School Unified Sports Friends and Family Night at the Lake Monsters is Thursday, May 25th at 6:35 pm. Tickets are $8 and Unified Sports receives $4 for every ticket sold. Please consider supporting our athletes while enjoying a night at the ballpark! Purchase your tickets 👉 https://bit.ly/3LRegtd ⚾⚾

Coffee House: Friday, May 26th during lunches!
Students who want to sign up to perform- use the Google form and sign up by 5/22!

EWSD SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) is bringing families together for a FREE night out on Wednesday, May 17 from 5:30-7:30 PM at the Albert D. Lawton Intermediate School. The event coordinators hope to build community connections in a safe, inclusive and supportive environment. All are welcome to join the group for an evening of games, food, music and conversation with community families and SEPAC members. Dinner and child care provided. Registration is preferred by not required: https://forms.gle/E9LV3AUbRrFgTKVC9

Reminder: VTCAP Testing for this week May 15-18th. There will be no Advisory or Flex blocks on Monday-Thursday.
*Please note the change in times for tomorrow's testing. B 1/2 will begin at 10:00 am.

Students who borrowed a computer for VTCAP Testing need to return them to the Helpdesk as soon as possible.
Thank you!

Our EWSD SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) is bringing families together for a FREE night out to meet other families, learn about resources available, and establish connections in a safe and inclusive environment. The event will take place at the Albert D. Lawton Intermediate School (front lawn and cafeteria) on Wednesday, May 17 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.. Food and music to be provided. Registration is preferred by not required: https://bit.ly/3Ocuf6K

Hey 👋 EHS Varsity Softball Team! ☀️🌈 #EWSD

EHS Senior, Benjamin Sibold, has been selected to receive the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Scholarship at Yale University which covers a total of $200,000! https://bit.ly/42dZMsK 🏆👍 #EWSD #4ward2gether

EHS Senior, Chris Folsom, will be attending Norwich University in the Fall, and is looking forward to joining the wrestling team! This year, he was named Vermont State wrestling champion and Green Mountain grappling wrestler of the year! 🎓🐝 Is there a senior you'd like to celebrate? email communications@ewsd.org! #EWSD

Lawn signs for graduating seniors. If interested please fill out this google form: linked here:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeh9vCqBTGBsqen2jxuX63N6U9VaCEJB8LLttce-uhXgMJ3Ug/viewform
Forms and payment are needed by May 21st to ensure they are ordered in time. Once there is a delivery date, a notification for pick-up times will go out. The plan is to have them out to families in time to start displaying them on June 1st. Each sign will be $20.00, and SB Signs is supplying the stakes free of charge to us.
If you have any questions please reach out to Stacey Lyman via email at lymanfamily5@gmail.com.

As Teacher Appreciation Week comes to a close, here's one final shout-out to all our AMAZING EHS Teachers and Staff!
Thank you for everything you do! You are all so appreciated! 💙💛🐝

Vermont Family Network (VFN) and the Special Education Program Team will be hosting a series of virtual town hall sessions to support families of students with disabilities. These sessions are scheduled on Wednesday, May 17, May 24, and May 31 from 10-11 a.m. We will discuss July 1, 2023, Special Education Rule changes including adverse effects, functional skills, and specific learning disability eligibility. Register: https://bit.ly/3Nxq70T

The #EWSD Board will next meet on Tue., May 16 starting at 6:30 p.m. in the EHS Library. The full meeting will be available to watch on Facebook Live thanks to the Media Factory (www.facebook.com/BTVMediaFactory).
Agenda items for the meeting include:
* Assign Fund Balance
* Cyber Security Planning
* Portrait of a Graduate Document
* Superintendent Monitoring Report
To learn more about the EWSD Board, please visit: www.ewsd.org/schoolboard

Students, do you need transportation for the Prom on May 20th? There will be a school bus available for students at EHS to transport to the Hampton Inn in Colchester! The bus will begin loading at 7:30 pm and leave EHS at 7:45 pm
The return trip back to EHS will depart the Hampton Inn in Colchester at 11:00 pm.
If you are interested in riding the bus please email Mr. Montague (smontague@ewsd.org) Mr. Gilliam (bgilliam@ewsd.org)

Pediatrician Dr. Steve Hale from Essex Pediatrics and former UNC-Chapel Hill basketball player, spoke to the Athletic Leadership Council this morning.
He gave advice on balancing sports and academics, shared personal stories of his experience being a student-athlete, and took questions from the students.

Students: Do you need Prom Attire? Prom Dresses are now available on the rack in the back corner of the Library near Room L110B. Please come and shop if you are in need of a dress!
We are also accepting donations for Prom wear: dresses, dress shirts, jackets, pants ties, etc. Please bring your donated prom wear with a hanger to the rack in the library.
This rack will be available through Friday, May 19th.
See Shawn Montague or Ben Gilliam with any questions.

Thank you Keurig Dr. Pepper for donating K- Cups to our EHS teachers and staff for Appreciation Week!
These were a nice addition to candy and chocolate baskets for teachers and staff today!

EHS Senior, Britney Beaupre, is a full-time dual enrollment student and is headed to the University of New England in Maine to study nursing after graduation! 🎓🐝 Is there a senior you'd like to celebrate? email communications@ewsd.org! #EWSD

EHS Staff and Teacher Appreciation Week continues!
Essex t-shirts were handed out and stickers. Also, a special treat from Student Gov!