AVPA Students
AVPA seniors created a capstone project that address a need in our community. Here is a link to videos that each student make that explains their project.

Experiential Learning Opportunity (ELO)
AVPA graduation requirement is 30 ELO points. Each year we provide at least 11 points. You get these points through a field trip and two workshops. These ELO events are mandatory. If you can not attend one of the provided ELOs, you will have to contact your adviser or academy leader before the event. If your absence is approved then you will have to create a plan to make up the points on your own outside of school using the Pre-Approval ELO process or attending another strand workshop. Excused absences could be extreme illness and/or hospitalization, unexcused absences would be work, doctors appointment, sports or conflicts with other classes. If you cut an ELO, you will not be able to make up the points through the pre-approval process, you will have to make it up by attending another workshop that has an opening.
Provided by AVPA each year (1 field trip and 2 masterclasses per strand)
Attended an AVPA Field Trip – 3 points
Attended and participated in a Masterclass Workshop – 4 points
Pre-Approval ELO must have the pre-approval form submitted before the activity and then a 1 page written reflection after the activity to get points:
Attend & critique an outside performance – 1 point
Attend & critique an outside exhibit – 1 point
Attend outside of school workshops- (2-4 points depending on time/commitment)
Attend outside of school classes- (2-4 points depending on time/commitment)
Examples of ELO’s
Flynn Theater events
BCA workshops
Darkroom Gallery (in Essex)
Burlington Galleries
VT International film Festival
Freedom and unity TV youth competition
Davis Studio has workshops and classes
50 hr Film
Volunteer for art events
Art Hop
Attend a performance at UVM
Rec Department has classes
**At the end of each year you are expected to have completed at least 10 ELO Points. If you are missing points your advisor and academy leader will have a conversation with you about whether or not you are going to continue stay in the academy.