EHS Step Up Day was yesterday! Incoming 9th-grade students came to tour the school, check out the clubs and sports offered during an activity fair, and received an EHS t-shirt!
Yearbook Pick up is today in the Gym during all lunches!
If you missed today, you can get your yearbook on Friday, June 7th from 2:45 until 3:45 pm!
EHS is proud to announce six finalists in the annual NCTE Writing Contest. This year, Ben Smith earned the top award First Class; Alyse Bibeau and Ashtyn Morel-Blake earned an Excellent award; Jaila Palermo and Trinity Anaya earned Superior; and Derin Suren earned Merit.
EHS welcomed many local teams as part of the Essex Track and Field Invitational on May 25!
Photo credit: Lea Ann Smith
In April, EHS Athletic Leadership Council students from EHS visited Summit St. School and EES to share their love of reading! It was exciting and nostalgic for some high school students to return to their first classrooms in the EWSD, as they read their favorite books to the younger students.
EHS Senior Showcase Music Awards and Spring Choral Concert, tomorrow June 5th.
Attention Seniors!
Final Cap and Gown Pick-Up Date: Tomorrow June 4th during lunches.
Payment is due at pick up of $25 cash or check made out to Scholastic Achievements.
We will be hosting a 9th grade BBQ again this summer on 8/22/24 from 5-6:30pm!
Incoming 9th graders are encouraged to attend with their families/caregivers.
Here is the RSVP google form. RSVP needs to be completed by August 9th.
EHS Yearbooks are in! Pick up will be Thursday, June 6th B 5/6 during lunches in the gym.
This summer EHS is offering a great summer opportunity for incoming 9th grade students;: How to Be a Hornet.
Registration deadline is June 14th.
Save the date! Live Jazz performances by Essex Jazz Collective and Essex Alumni Jazz Band.
June 3rd 6 pm
Attention Seniors! Cap and Gown Pick-Up Begin This Thursday!
Balfour will be at EHS on
Thursday, May 30th
Tuesday, June 4th.
This will be during lunches and in the gym on May 30th. In the main lobby on June 4 during lunches.
Payment is due at pick up of $25 cash or check made out to Scholastic Achievements.
Parent Guardian Caregiver Night tonight: Tuesday, May 28th, 5:15 pm to 6:30 pm. This event will take place in the Library.
We hope to see you there!
The EHS Prom was held on May 18th at the Echo Center in Burlington. The theme was 'Under the Sea'.
Hornet Hullabaloo today!
Reminder there is an adjusted schedule for the day see below.
Friday's Spirit Day: Blue and Gold Day!
Attention Seniors! Cap and Gown Pick-Up Dates:
Balfour will be at EHS on
Thursday, May 30th
Tuesday, June 4th.
This will be during lunches and in the gym on May 30th. In the main lobby on June 4 during lunches.
Payment is due at pick up of $25 cash or check made out to Scholastic Achievements.
Upcoming event:
Parent Guardian Caregiver Night Tuesday, May 28th, 5:15 pm to 6:30 pm. This event will take place in the Library.
We hope to see you there!
Thursday Spirit Day: Wear green for mental health awareness
Wednesday Spirit Day: Rhyme Without a Reason