Picture Day is today!
All students will need to participate, regardless of whether families purchase a package or not. We need updated photos of students each year.
Go to www.bsnap.hhimagehost.com to pre- order. Password is EHS323
EHS AP Environmental Class partnered with Bee the Change and the Essex Rotary to plant a one-third-acre pollinator garden. https://bit.ly/3Ex8bha 🌻🐝🌷🐝 #EWSD
You are invited to join us at our next Multilingual Family Fun Event at Maple Street Park on September 23 from 11-4 p.m. There will be Henna, face painting, food, music, soccer, corn hole game, potato sack race, raffle, and more! This event is hosted by the EWSD Multilingual Advisory Council. All families and friends of the multilingual community are welcome to join in the activities. 🥳🥳
In case you missed the most recent EWSD Board Meeting, you can now watch the recording thanks to Media Factory! https://bit.ly/3RbrCmZ #EWSD
The College Board recently awarded National Recognition to EHS students Bianca Williams and Maya Vidrio. 👏🎉⭐🐝 https://bit.ly/3Rbj5QZ #EWSD #YouBelong
The Heavenly Food Pantry, located at the First Congregational Church on Main Street in Essex Junction, will be open to residents of Essex, Essex Junction, and Westford on Monday, September 11, from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Beginning at 5:30, families arriving will be given a number, where they will wait in the sanctuary for their number to be called. They will then be registered and guided to the food pantry, where a volunteer will greet and escort them around, allowing them to make selections of their choosing. After food is gathered, it will be weighed (information for pantry use only) and another volunteer will bring the food to the family’s vehicle. Shopping carts will be made available for those within walking distance of the pantry. Face masks are optional for those entering the food pantry to ensure safety for visitors as well as volunteers. As usual, there are no income requirements to visit the food pantry and a variety of food is available to everyone; however, additional food is provided by the USDA once a month to eligible persons who fall below federally mandated guidelines.
Those not able to attend the pantry may call the Church office at 878-5745 between 9 a.m. and noon today or Monday to leave contact information (name, address, number of family members, phone number) so arrangements for delivery can be made. Follow-up calls to complete registration and schedule deliveries will be made Monday morning. Families are currently able to visit the pantry each time it is open the 2nd Monday of the month from 5:30-7:30 p.m. and the 4th Thursday of the month from 2-6 p.m. (except for November and December when it is the 3rd Thursday). The next food pantry distribution will occur on Thursday, September 28 from 2-6 p.m.
Back To School Night is Thursday, September 14th! We hope you join us!
Did you know that the EWSD is on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook too? Give us a follow! 👍👍 #EWSD
Picture day is next week!
Beltrami will be at EHS for Picture Day on Tuesday, September 12th.
This is held In the EHS Gymnasium during the school day.
All students will need to participate, regardless of whether families purchase a package or not. We need updated photos of students each year.
Photo packets were passed out last week in student's Advisory. Go to www.bsnap.hhimagehost.com to pre- order. Password is EHS323
✨ The CTE Preschool, located at the Center for Technology, Essex, has openings for the 2023-24 school year for children ages 3-5 years old. For more information: https://bit.ly/47Xsi5g ✨ #EWSD
The EWSD is launching a new mobile app to help students, parents, and community members stay up to date on what is happening in our schools from your phone! On the app, you can read the latest announcements, view lunch menus, and review upcoming events. The EWSD app is available to download for free - https://bit.ly/3q8ZBAY 📱📱😊
Kick-off meeting today, September 1st at 3:25 pm in the Auditorium.
The #EWSD Board will next meet on Tue., September 5 starting at 6:30 p.m. in the EHS Library. The full meeting will be available to watch on Facebook Live thanks to the Media Factory (www.facebook.com/BTVMediaFactory).
Agenda items for the meeting include:
* Special Education Announced Tuition (ARC Program)
* FY23 4th Quarter Financial Update (unaudited)
* VSBIT Proxy Designation
* D5. Animal Dissection
To learn more about the EWSD Board, please visit: www.ewsd.org/schoolboard
AP Statistics student, Lily Larsen, placed third in a national data science competition, competing against approximately 2,500 students from around the country! https://bit.ly/3qRgS2t 🏆🏆🐝 #EWSD
Thank you for sharing your awesome first day of school photos! 🍎🚌📚✏️💯 #EWSD #BacktoSchool #YouBelong
In June, Vermont’s Universal School Meal Act became law, allowing all Vermont public school students in grades K-12 access to free breakfast and lunch. We encourage all students to take part in the school nutrition program, as increased participation brings funding that allows us to offer high-quality foods, fresh produce, and the ability to purchase more locally! https://bit.ly/3qQaBUO 🍎🥞🍔🌮🍇🍕
9th Grade Orientation on 8/29 and First Day of School 8/30 are in the books for the 2023-2024 School Year!
Welcome back EHS Hornets!
🎒✏️ First Day of School ✏️🎒 Another year, another adventure! Wishing all our EWSD students a fantastic school year ahead! 📚🚌 (part 1)
Watch what inspires our EWSD faculty and staff as we enter into a new school year 💚💙 https://bit.ly/45ODLTa #EWSD #YouBelong #BacktoSchool
Don't forget to share your first day of school photos with communications@ewsd.org 😄 We will see you all tomorrow 💙💚 #EWSD