EWSD Fine Arts Night returned this year! Art installations, performances, and live demonstrations from students K-12 transformed the high school into a lively pop-up gallery and concert hall showcasing the depth of art practice and collaborative meaning-making across the District. The theme for this year’s event was Celebrating Our Creative Community. 🎨🖌️🎷🥁🎶 https://bit.ly/41y9NAW
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
We are excited to launch our new EWSD websites (www.ewsd.org)! These new designs are less cluttered and more accessible, and place an emphasis on news, updates, and events. 👍👍
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
new website flyer
Registration is open for the 7th annual Dream Big 5K: Run, Walk, Roll on April 30, 2023! The Dream Big 5K in Essex, VT is an inclusive running event with general and adaptive divisions. The race brings together the Essex-Westford community for a morning of friendly competition and is an opportunity for athletes with disabilities to experience racing in a supportive setting. ⭐ Register online: https://runsignup.com/dreambig5krunwalkroll
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
DreamBig Flyer
The Heavenly Food Pantry, located at the First Congregational Church on Main Street in Essex Junction, will be open to families residing in Essex, Essex Junction, and Westford on Thursday, April 27, from 2:00-6:00 p.m. Beginning at 2:00, families arriving will be given a number, asked to wait in the sanctuary for their number to be called, and registered before being directed to the pantry for food. A volunteer will greet and escort them around the pantry, allowing them to make selections of their choosing. After food is gathered, it will be weighed (information for pantry use only) and another volunteer will bring the food to the family’s vehicle. Shopping carts will be available for those within walking distance of the pantry. The Food Pantry asks that those visiting the pantry (as well as the volunteers) remain masked when the pantry is open for food distribution. As usual, there are no income requirements to visit the food pantry and a variety of food is available to everyone; however, additional food is provided by the USDA once a month to eligible families who fall below federally mandated guidelines. Families unable to attend the pantry may call the Church office at 878-5745 between 9:00 a.m. and noon today through Thursday to leave contact information so arrangements for delivery can be made. A follow-up call to complete registration will take place on Thursday. Families can visit the pantry each time it is open-on the 2nd Monday of the month from 5:30-7:30 p.m. and the 4th Thursday of the month from 2:00-6:00 p.m. (except for November and December when it is the 3rd Thursday). The next food pantry distribution will occur on Monday, May 8, from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
pantry items
Reminder: No School this week April 24-28. Hope everyone has a great week!
almost 2 years ago, Essex High School
No School- Spring Break
AVPA students at EHS recently took a trip to New York City! They had a full schedule of exciting experiences, including; exploring the Metropolitan Museum of Art, singing onstage at the Apollo Theater, seeing the new musical SIX, and more! 🗽🍎🎶 #EWSD #4ward2gether
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
avpa in nyc
avpa in nyc
avpa in nyc
avpa in nyc
avpa in nyc
There will be no school next week (April 24-28) for Spring Break! 🌷☀️😎🌈 #EWSD #4ward2gether
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
spring break reminder
EHS Students Demand Action traveled to Montpelier to advocate for common-sense gun legislation and met with the state’s top elected officials. They had the opportunity to lobby Senate President Phil Baruth, Vermont Attorney General Charity Clark, and Speaker of the House Jill Krowinski, among others. A few hours after students arrived back to EHS, H.230, a bill they advocated for, passed out of the House. #EWSD
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
students demand action club
students demand action club
students demand action club
EHS students were invited to participate in a Chess Tournament. The grand prize winner took home a wooden chess set! ♟️🏆👍 #EWSD #4ward2gether
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
playing chess
playing chess
playing chess
playing chess
playing chess
The April edition of the EWSD News is out now! http://bit.ly/3mtseHJ ✏️✏️ #EWSD #4ward2gether
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
ewsd newsletter
The #EWSD Board will next meet on Tue., April 18 starting at 6:30 p.m. in the EHS Library. The full meeting will be available to watch on Facebook Live thanks to the Media Factory (www.facebook.com/BTVMediaFactory). Agenda items for the meeting include: * Authorize Superintendent to accept/administer external grants and funds * Appoint Board Legal Counsel * Negotiations (3 elected members) To learn more about the EWSD Board, please visit: www.ewsd.org/board
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
agenda for board meeting
agenda for board meeting
EHS STEM Academy held its first Slime Making Competition! Sarah Hall won both Aesthetic Appeal and Acoustics categories. The two first-place runner-ups were the team of Jillian Del Trecco & Lona Davis and the solo entry by Celine Yao. #EWSD #4ward2gether
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
making slime
making slime
making slime
EHS student, Ingrid Gilliam, won the second round of the Rotary Speech Contest at the Rotary’s weekly meeting with her five-minute speech on diversity, equity, and inclusion! 🏆👍 #EWSD #4ward2gether
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
rotary winner
After a brief hiatus due to Covid protocols, the #EWSD proudly announces the return of Fine Arts Night at Essex High School on Wednesday, April 19 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Art installations, performances, and live demonstrations from students K-12 transform the high school into a lively pop-up gallery and concert hall showcasing the depth of art practice and collaborative meaning-making across the District. The theme for this year’s event is Celebrating Our Creative Community. 🖌️🎨🎉
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
fine arts night poster
All EWSD FY'24 budget votes pass! Thank you to all the community members who came out to vote! Learn more: https://bit.ly/EWSDFY23Pass
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
EWSD logo and check mark
Don't forget to get out and vote today (7 a.m.-7 p.m.)! *City of Essex Junction residents vote at the Champlain Valley Expo (Blue Ribbon Pavilion) *Essex Town residents vote at Essex Middle School *Westford residents vote at Westford School Learn more about the EWSD proposed budget: www.ewsd.org/budget
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
vote reminder
Did you know that 40% of EWSD employees live in our three communities? Learn more about the proposed budget online: www.ewsd.org/budget
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
budget flyer
Athletic Leadership Council students at EHS participated last night in Spectrum's Sleep Out. They slept outside in solidarity with homeless youth and youth at risk of becoming homeless in Vermont. They surpassed their fundraising goal and raised over $4,000. http://bit.ly/3Kp7muy 👏 #EWSD #4ward2gether
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
Spectrum Sleep Out
Spectrum Sleep Out
Spectrum Sleep Out
To help improve how our students learn and how our systems function, the EWSD will be updating the start and end times at each school starting this fall. Learn more: https://bit.ly/EWSDtimechanges
almost 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
start and end time flyer
Congratulations to the EHS Wrestling team! 🏆👏🐝 #EWSD State Championship: Team 6th place State Champs: 145 Noah Powell 152 Anthony Matas 220 Chris Folsom 5th place Finn McMahon 6th place Jon Hayward
about 2 years ago, EWSD Communications
ehs students holding brackets with admins