Equity & The EWSD School Board

EWSD School Board Presentations

EWSD Presentation of the 2024 Equity Monitoring Report - January 7, 2025 Board Meeting

EWSD Presentation of 2023 Equity Monitoring Report - August 22, 2023

EWSD Presentation of 2022 Equity Annual Report - October 11, 2022

EWSD Director of Equity and Inclusion, Erin Maguire, presented the annual equity policy report to the Board. The annual equity report is meant for public consumption, and is assembled using data from the
December equity inventory, June policy monitoring report, Youth Truth survey, and other
survey results. 

Ms. Maguire shared that there will be an annual report night in early November for community members to review this
report in depth and ask questions. The event will be hybrid, with both in-person (EHS Library) and on Zoom.

EWSD Equity Presentation - May 4, 2021

Summary of Equity Audit Presentation
This is the second time this climate survey of students and staff has been conducted (2019 and 2021). We missed last year due to the disruption of COVID-19, and that likely impacted the drop in participation among students and staff. Overall, the survey results show improvements for students in four key areas including physical integration, social-emotional engagement, opportunity to learn, and instructional excellence. There was no notable change in engaged and inspired learners.

EWSD School Board - Building the Equity Policy