Section 504
Click here for the Vermont Agency of Education Manual on Section 504
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability. It applies to any entity that receives federal funding including public schools. The Americans with Disabilities Act, enacted in 1991, provides the same obligations on public elementary and secondary schools as Section 504, but without the limitation of applying only to recipients of federal funds.
Contacts for questions on Section 504 are as follows:
EWSD Oversight: Erin Maguire (Email Erin Maguire) and Dylan McNamara (Dylan McNamara), Co-Directors of Student Support Services
Summit Street Elementary School: Colleen Birner (Email Colleen Birner), Principal
Hiawatha Elementary School: Katherine Grykien (Email Katherine Grykien), Principal
Essex Elementary School: Ashley Gray (Email Ashley Gray), Principal
Founders Memorial School: Sara Jablonski (Email Sara Jablonski), Principal
Thomas Fleming Elementary School: Matthew Roy (Email Matthew Roy), Principal
Albert D. Lawton Intermediate School: Jennifer Wood (Email Jennifer Wood), Principal
Essex Middle School: Brian Clark (Email Brian Clark), Interim Principal
Essex High School: 504 Coordinators - Gracie Butler (Email Gracie Butler), Laura Frangipane (Email Laura Frangipane), and Jackie Lynch (Email Jackie Lynch),
Center for Technology Essex: Robert Travers (Email Robert Travers), Principal