Welcome to the EWSD Alumni Connect!
The Essex Westford School District is reconnecting with alumni to spotlight the incredible journeys and successes of our graduates. Whether you're forging a career, following your interests, or finding your own path, your story is a valuable part of our legacy. By sharing, you’ll inspire current students and celebrate the impact of an EWSD education.
While here, please get to know our graduates by reading about their unique stories!
EWSD Alumni Spotlights

Ramona Bilodeau, Class of 2019
Ramona received her Associates in Liberal Arts at CCV, and recently went back to school to get her Bachelor's in Informative Systems Management. She currently resides in Orlando, Florida and is participating in the Disney College Program. Her favorite school memories are running club with Mrs. Danis, and spending time with her friends. She enjoys knitting and selling stickers. Her advice to current students is; "Now is the time to experiment, move somewhere different, look for cool programs and resources. Try out stuff, see what you like, and what you don't, and that will help guide you in what you want your career to look like".

Devon Agan, Class of 2017
After high school, Devon went on to take some college courses and now resides in Odenville, Alabama. Currently employed at a Health Club, Devon finds most of her time is spent enjoying work. Some of her favorite school memories are participating in the band.

Shannon McCullen, Class of 2011
After high school, Shannon earned her bachelor's in political science and secondary education social studies with a minor in French from the University of Vermont, a master's in special education from Purdue University, and an intensive needs special education endorsement from Kansas State University. She now resides in Colchester, Vermont and works as a special educator/integration specialist at Essex High School and is a SBSA program director at Mount Norris Scout Reservation during the summer months. Her advice to current students is; "get involved in extracurricular activities. They might lead you to what you want to do in the future".

Kaylee Archer, Class of 2004
Kaylee currently works in shipping and as a tea manager at a local business. She also makes her own tea and perfume blends for the company. She currently resides in Burlington, Vermont, and enjoys crochet, cross stitch, video games, and tabletop games. Her advice to current students is; "the power is in the people. You can make the world a better place, even now".

Rebecca Nowak, Class of 2004
Rebecca became an educator, teaching in both Spain and the Philippines, and now resides in Burlington, Vermont, and works at Westford Elementary School. Some of her favorite school memories are being involved in music and theater at EHS, and chorus at FMS and EMS. Rebecca found a great sense of belonging in the chorus, which largely influenced her decision to pursue a career as a music educator. Rebecca loves to travel, learn languages, hike, climb, and do yoga. Her advice to current students is; "Remember to live life and find joy. You are worth more than your achievements and you are allowed to take up space. There are things that matter beyond career and school".

Kimberly Marcoux, Class of 2001
Kimberly is the Co-founder of Bridal Sales Agency Coterie White (coteriewhite.com) and Melange de Blanc, bridal market tradeshow. She earned her Bachelor’s in Fashion Merchandising at the Fashion Institute of Technology. She has been featured in Forbes and countless other magazines and recognized internationally as a top bridal sales company and bridal market (tradeshow) owner. She currently resides in Essex, Vermont and enjoys being a mom to her kids! Her favorite school memories are attending basketball, football, and lacrosse games to support her brothers, and going to the school formals. Her advice to current students is; "No dream is too big for you. Work hard, treat people the way you want to be treated. And lead with loyalty and integrity. That will take you far no matter where you go in life!".