Parent Organizations
Welcome to EWSD Parent Teacher Organizations!
The Parent Organizations of Essex Westford School District (EWSD) are dedicated to encouraging parent, community, educational staff, and public involvement in our schools.
As a combined school district made up of three different municipalities, you’ll find that PTOs/Parent Organizations at each school may work a little differently.
A combined PTO Board, called the Essex Town PTO, oversees three schools including Essex Elementary, Founders Memorial and Essex Middle School.
Other PTOs represent one school.
Some schools, including ADL and EHS, don't have a PTO, but do have opportunities for parents to connect with the school.
ADL's PAWS (Positive Adults Working to Support Students) on Facebook
Other Ways to Help EWSD Schools
EWSD welcomes any caregivers and friends to get involved. Other options outside of PTOs that help our district:
Attend School Board meetings, and run for office
Read about how you can help out, and fill out a Volunteer Form to get on the list
Participate with a nutrition community group launched in 2018 by Child Nutrition Services. Email Scott
Consider becoming an EWSD bus driver or bus aide! Visit our Employment section, or send an email to our Transportation Department!