Student Achievement

Student Performance on State Assessments

As of the 2022-2023 school year, all Vermont students in grades 3-9 and 11, including publicly funded students attending private independent schools and programs, should participate in the VT Comprehensive Assessment Program (VTCAP) unless a student qualifies for alternate assessment or has an authorized exemption for medical reasons. VTCAP will provide students with an improved assessment system in terms of equity and accessibility (e.g., translations, embedded speech to text). This year, VTCAP will be used to assess the areas of English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics and Science. The new modality is computer based and all three subjects will be adaptive and will assess our state standards for ELA, Math, and Science. Assessments will be administered between April 12-June 9 depending on each school's testing schedule. Individual results will be sent home with the welcome back to school packet in August provided the student reports are ready in time.

Why We Assess: Vermont’s Focus on Equity in Educational Assessment