Westford School Bus Routes

Bus Safety Reminder

The Essex Westford School District takes safety seriously - especially when it comes to riding the bus, walking, biking, or driving to school. Please remember the safe areas for entering and exiting the bus, and always look before you cross the road. Please review the graphic below for the safe walking areas.

Bus Safety info

Bus Tips

  • All stops are estimated times

  • Times could change due to traffic, weather, students riding or not riding, etc.

  • Students should be out at their stop five minutes before the scheduled time of arrival

  • Because of the variables on each route, there is always a five-minute buffer, before and after the scheduled time, as no bus can be exact every dayAll stops are estimated times of arrival

  • All students need to be in plain sight to ensure proper pick-up

  • In low light conditions, it is helpful to wave a lighted device (flashlight, cell phone, etc…) as the bus approaches

Westford Buses (as of 10.07.24)

Accessibility: To request assistance or to report an issue relating to the accessibility of these routes, please send an email or call 802-878-8168 during district office hours.