Message from the EWSD Board

Hello EWSD Community,

The following update is in regards to recent communications about potential staff reduction of teachers due to the class size policy. 

On Thursday December 14th, an email from district administration went out to all EWSD staff notifying them of planned downsizing due to declining enrollment and the current class size policy. The administration was taking action to ensure compliance with existing district policy. When the board became aware of the announcement, we sought clarification from district administration. In response, as board chair, I released out an overview of the information provided to us in collaboration with the executive committee and administration.

Since then, the board gained further clarification around the state law and Educational Quality Standards. We learned state statute requires us to have a policy dictating class sizes, but that it is up to the board and administration to determine the details of what that policy looks like for our district. Detailed information on this topic was reviewed during our board meeting (found at this link starting at time 40:46).

The responsibility of the board includes monitoring policies and their outcomes in the district. Therefore, I recommended to the board that the class size policy be revised in a future meeting. As I have said publicly as board chair, I deeply value feedback and willingness to adjust when we are presented with updated information. I believe this is one of those times. 

At our meeting, the board approved a motion to put a pause on this policy. This means that staff non-renewal will not occur solely as a result of the class size policy.  The board strongly feels that difficult decisions around cuts such as staff reduction should be considered with input from the entire community. To be candid: if there is discussion around cuts this budget season, the board will be looking at all areas. We deeply value public input to identify the priorities that matter most to our community.

Moving forward, the EWSD board is facing a particularly challenging set of circumstances to consider in planning the FY25 budget. At this stage of budget planning, we are actively seeking input to inform this work. I encourage everyone to review the information presented at the last meeting (linked above) for an overview on the challenges we are facing. 

To our staff across the district, I hope this provides clarity as we know the release of information around the potential staff non-renewal has been distressing, confusing, and particularly challenging timing for many of you. Thank you for all you do, even in the face of challenging and uncertain times. You mean more to us than you know, and we are likewise here to serve you. 

Thank you to everyone who has already attended meetings and reached out by email. We are proud to be part of a civically engaged community, setting an example for our children watching us collaborate. We warmly invite you to join us and share your perspective as we continue to support our students together.

With gratitude, 

Robert Carpenter 

EWSD Board Chair