EWSD Board
Are you interested in playing a role in supporting the work and aspirations of your local schools? Do you care deeply about the success of our public schools - for the children, the taxpayers, and the future of Vermont? Please consider running for an open seat on the EWSD School Board!
Petitions for a seat on the EWSD Board are now available. Board members to be elected this year include:
One City of Essex Junction Resident: Three-year term
One Essex Town Resident: Three-year term
One Westford Resident: Three-year term
Petitions may be picked up in person at the Village Office for City of Essex Junction residents, the Essex Town Clerk's Office for Essex Town residents, and the Westford Town Office for Westford residents Monday through Friday.
Interested in running but have questions? Learn more about the role of a Board member on Tuesday, February 13 from 6-7 p.m. at Essex High School.
Completed petitions (containing at least 1% of the voters in that community or 30 qualified signatures, whichever is less) must be returned to the locations listed above by Monday, March 4, 2024, in order to have a name placed on the ballot.
Remember to vote on Tuesday, April 9, 2024!