ems science students

Essex Middle School students participated in the Vermont STEM Fair on Sunday, March 16 at Norwich University. The Vermont Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fair is an inquiry-based poster presentation competition open to all middle and high school level students in the state of Vermont. 

The state fair is an exciting opportunity for aspiring scientists (grades 5-12) to showcase the results of their independent research.  Each year 200+ student projects covering all areas of science, technology, engineering, and math present their research and are judged by at least three judges. 

Judges include scientists, secondary education faculty, dentists, physicians, nurses, military personnel and retirees, and other science-related professionals from across Vermont. 

Students compete for cash and trip prizes donated by local organizations as well as scholarships to Vermont colleges.  The fair is also affiliated with the International Science and Engineering Fair and five other national and international competitions.