The 2025 EHS Graduation Ceremony will be held on Saturday, June 14!

The #EWSD Board will next meet on Tues., March 18 starting at 6:30 p.m. in the EHS Library. The full meeting will be available to watch on Facebook Live thanks to the Media Factory (https://www.facebook.com/BTVMediaFactory).
Agenda items for the meeting include:
* Approve Land Easement with Champlain Water District
* FY26 Budget Transition Planning
To learn more about the EWSD Board, please visit: http://www.ewsd.org/schoolboard

At its meeting on February 18, the EWSD Board approved a budget that will be put forth for a community vote on Tuesday, April 8. With rising property taxes, ongoing statewide financial challenges, and declining enrollment, the Board asked the administration to maintain the same level of net spending as FY25, but with rising costs, we have had to make some difficult decisions. Learn more about this proposed budget: https://bit.ly/FY26EWSDbudgetPlan

If you are following along with the Trout in the Classroom Project that Fleming 5th graders are doing, here is a recent update: the eggs have successfully hatched! 🐟 The eggs successfully hatched into alevin, and after absorbing their yolk sacs, they began feeding on their own. Every day, students take responsibility for the trout by feeding them and ensuring they have a healthy environment.

FMS third graders showcased their skills from the violin unit in music class with Mrs. Ferris. Parents were invited to watch and cheer on their students!

⏰ Daylight Saving Time starts tomorrow; Sunday, March 9! ⏰

Hiawatha students gathered in the gym to sing songs together and hear a special presentation from third-graders!

🎉 This week's employee spotlight is Ciera White🎉 "Ciera is committed to supporting students and goes above and beyond to ensure that she is being consistent and providing high-quality services. She can step in and support any student and doesn’t hesitate to help her colleagues. She is a bright light at EHS and we appreciate her positive energy!"
.... Is there an EWSD employee you'd like to nominate for the spotlight? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/Aykx7NNp6bzdLgcB9

Save the date ... EWSD Fine Arts Night will take place on Thursday, April 10! Learn more: https://www.ewsd.org/article/2065441

A great game was had between the ADL boys versus EMS, with the ADL cheerleaders covering halftime!

ADL's Math Club students participated in the MathCounts Competition at the University of Vermont. Students worked hard to solve challenging math problems both individually and as a team.

Congratulations to Essex High School senior Allison Rowe on being awarded a National Honorable Mention for the National Center for Women and Informational Technology. Rowe is in AP Computer Science working with EHS math teacher Eric Langevin on an independent study in computer science at the University of Vermont.

The EWSD Board approved a budget to bring to the voters at their last meeting on February 18. You can now view the annual meeting warning online: https://5il.co/38n6x

Time is running out … please consider running for one of the three open seats on the EWSD School Board! Completed petitions are due by Monday, March 3. Learn more: https://bit.ly/EWSDBoardSeats2025

EHS student Jiya Asher placed first in this year’s Essex Rotary speech contest. Asher spoke about how a Rotary/School partnership can help increase respect in our community. She advances to the next round to be held in March. Congratulations to Asher and all of the contestants!

The Heavenly Food Pantry, located at the First Congregational Church on Main Street in Essex Junction, will be open to families residing in Essex, Essex Junction, and Westford on Thursday, February 27, from 3-6 p.m.
As usual, there are no income requirements to visit the food pantry and a variety of food is
available to everyone; however, additional food is provided once a month by the USDA to
eligible families who fall below federally mandated guidelines. Those who are not able to attend the pantry and request a delivery may call the Church office at 878-5745 Ext. 4 between 9-noon today through Thursday to leave contact information (name, phone number, address, number of people in household). Phone calls to complete
registration will occur on Thursday morning.
The next food pantry distribution will be on Monday, March 10, from 5:30-7:30 p.m.

📰 The January edition of the EWSD School Board Newsletter can be viewed here: https://secure.smore.com/n/y06wdh

EES second graders are starting their Edison Bot unit with Ms. Williams. The students will learn how to program the robot with block coding to move and turn, learning about distance and degrees of a turn. They will end the unit using legos to attach a marker to the robot to draw shapes.

EES kindergarten and first grade students visited the EHS Skating Rink as part of their P.E. class!

The EWSD budget page (www.ewsd.org/budget) is your one-stop-shop for the latest news, updates, information from Board meetings, FAQs, and more.