Multicultural Youth Program

Program Director: Zeynab Kouyate

On-Site Program Coordinator: Daris Hayer

The Essex Westford School District partners with Spectrum to offer the Multicultural Youth Program. The Multicultural Youth Program works together with EWSD youth from diverse backgrounds, with a focus on youth and families who self-identify as multicultural or from an immigrant family.

The goal of the Multicultural Youth Program is to connect youth to resources, services, and programs in the community as well as to help youth develop leadership and peer mentoring skills and to gain the knowledge, life skills, and encouragement for success on their particular paths of education and growth. 

Daris Hayer, Program Coordinator, will be on-site at the Essex High School library three days a week at the Multicultural Help Desk and two days a week at Essex Middle School, which is part of the program. As we grow this connection, we look towards making the Multicultural Youth Program and the Multicultural Help Desk available at the other schools within the Essex Westford School District.

Multicultural Youth Program desk