Recommended Book List for Educators
8 Anti-Racist Books to Help You Dig Digger
A list of anti-racist books from Book Riot to help educate, empathize, and unlearn.
Learning and Teaching While White
Authors: Jenna Chandler-Ward and Elizabeth Denevi
"Learning and Teaching While White is an accessible guide to help white educators, leaders, students, and parents develop an explicit, skills-based antiracist practice."The Enduring, Invisible, and Ubiquitous Centrality of Whiteness
Author: Kenneth V. Hardy
A collection of essays "explore(s) how the longstanding centering of whiteness in all aspects of society, including clinical therapy spaces, has led to widespread racial injustice."Suddenly You Are Nobody: New Americans Tell Their Stories
Author: Jared Gange
Includes more than twenty-five stories of new Americans and the broader context surrounding their arrival in the United States.Building Equity: Policies and Practices to Empower All Learners
Authors: Dominique Smith, Nancy Frey, Ian Pumpian and Douglas Fisher
Provides examples of policy initiatives and practices that support high-quality, inclusive learning experiences and deliver education that meets critical standards of equality and equity.Coaching for Equity: Conversations That Change Practice
Author: Elena Aguilar
Includes resources and personal narratives about how to implement Transformational Coaching in any organization.Excellence Through Equity: Five Principles of Courageous Leadership to Guide Achievement for Every Student
Authors: Alan M. Blankstein, Pedro Noguera and Lorena Kelly
An inspiring look at how real-world educators are creating schools where all students are able to thrive.Equity by Design: Delivering on the Power and Promise of UDL
Authors: Mirko Chardin and Katie R. Novak
Serves as a blueprint for teachers to alter the all-too-predictable outcomes for our historically under-served students.Courageous Conversations About Race: A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools
Author: Glenn E. Singleton
This book explains the need for candid, courageous conversations about race so that educators may understand why achievement inequality persists and learn how they can develop a curriculum that promotes true educational equity and excellence.Case Studies on Diversity and Social Justice Education
Authors: Paul C. Gorski and Seema G. Pothini
Presents a variety of realistic case studies related to educational equity and social justice.Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
Author: Zaretta L. Hammond
A call to action for all of us to move beyond the regurgitation of facts by students and to, instead, utilize brain-based science and culturally responsive instruction.Street Data: A Next-Generation Model for Equity, Pedagogy, and School Transformation
Authors: Shane Safir and Jamila Dugan
A break down of street data fundamentals and a guide to school or districts' equity journeys.Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning for Justice in a Changing World (Language and Literacy Series)
Authors/Editors: Django Paris, H. Samy Alim and Celia Genishi
This book engages and extends the concept of culturally sustaining pedagogy (CSP)―teaching that perpetuates and fosters linguistic, literate, and cultural pluralism as part of schooling for positive social transformation.Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Working towards Decolonization, Indigeneity and Interculturalism
Authors: Fatima Pirbhai-Illich, Shauneen Pete and Fran Martin
A great book for those interested in policy-making and research in the field of education.Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents
Author: Isabel Wilkerson
Caste examines the unspoken caste system that has shaped America and shows how our lives today are still defined by a hierarchy of human divisions.The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together
Author: Heather McGhee
A personal journey for the author as she comes to understand that progress for some of us must come at the expense of others.40 Young Adult Books Showcasing Diverse Disability Representation
From Epic Reads
An amazing list of young adult books that center disabled and neuro-divergent characters and storylines.