The EWSD Board approved the proposed FY'24 budget at their recent meeting. Learn more about the budget by visiting www.ewsd.org/budget or viewing the budget mailer that residents will receive in March. 👍️

EHS Senior Ingrid Gilliam won the $200 prize at the annual Essex Rotary Speech Contest for her speech on what diversity, equity, and inclusion mean to her. EHS Junior Emmerson Stapleton was the runner-up, winning a prize of $100. Well done! 🏆👏 #EWSD #4ward2gether

The EWSD values the importance of accessible mental health support for our students. If you are a licensed mental health clinician and would like to use an office space to connect and support students and their families, please reach out to Dylan McNamara (dmcnamara@ewsd.org) to discuss the possibilities.

There were a lot of talented students at the Essex Has Talent show this year! 👏 #EWSD #4ward2gether

If you missed the last EWSD Board meeting on February 21, you can now watch it online thanks to the Media Factory: http://bit.ly/3IJQqxW 📽️ #EWSD #4ward2gether

Congratulations to the EHS Wrestling team! 🏆👏🐝 #EWSD
State Championship:
Team 6th place
State Champs:
145 Noah Powell
152 Anthony Matas
220 Chris Folsom
5th place
Finn McMahon
6th place
Jon Hayward